
After 5 years studying Medicine at FMHS, Unimas...Finally I made it! A very great thankful to the most gracious and the most merciful, Allah swt for all the success that I got from the day I stepped my foot at FMHS building until today...and the most important persons in my life >> mak and abah...the one who always beside me during the toughest and happiest time...thanks to mak and abah for their prayer...trillion thanks to them...and love them very very much! this is my gift for both of you! Dr Noorul Ain A. Rahman, you made it!

The announcement of the FPE results...and I actually didnt come..hehe~ then, suddenly become famous today...huhu~ everybody searching for me...never mind, at least I made it!

Let's say it loud! hip hip hooray!!! haha, this picture is very funny...we had a photo sesion outside actually...and the photographer ask us to say 'satu malaysia'...then, when taking picture with dean, the photographer also want us to say 'satu malaysia'...then, got several person reply 'ala, xbest la =('...haha...funny lorh...then, dean say, 'ok, we jerit hip hip hooray...when i say hip hip, all of you say hooray!'...then, all of us agree =) haha~ lawak betol...

Hurm, maybe this is the only thing that I can share here..later will add somemore...tomorrow, we will have a GREAT dinner...for all the 5 years of hardworking, we deverse to have it! hope so...that tomorrow will be 'a night to be remember!' and I will miss all of you was a very good, great and happiest moment ever after to be with all of you guys for the past 5 years =) syukur more word that I can say^^
congrats... nanti dah sah jadik doktor.. slalu2 cek qistina ek... dapat gaji jgn lupe blanja kak ngah n qistina tau... tahniah skali lagi...
ReplyDeletewah,bole je belanje...qistina tue sehat jerk..nk tengok ape lg la...